Last updated 04/17/2024
To add the Identify and Profile auto-fill to your HubSpot Forms, simply add these code snippets:
Add the following to your form page, replacing the field names and form name to match your specific form:
window.addEventListener('message', event => { if ( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmit') { let content = false; if (document.querySelector('.hs-form-iframe')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-form-iframe').contentDocument; } else if (document.querySelector('.hs-custom-form')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-custom-form'); } else if (document.querySelector('.hs-form-private')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-form-private'); } const getContent = function(name) { let d = content.querySelector(`input[name=${name}]`); return d.value; } let first_name = getContent('firstname'); let last_name = getContent('lastname'); let email_address = getContent('email'); BreadButter.api.identifyUser(email_address, first_name, last_name); } });
On submit, the user’s first name, last name, and email address will appear on your Bread & Butter Dashboard, identifying your users.
Add the following to your form page, replacing the field names to match your specific form:
const NotifyHubspot = function(holder) { function doEvent(obj, name) { try { let event = new Event(name, { target: obj, bubbles: true }); return obj ? obj.dispatchEvent(event) : false; } catch (e) { let event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent(name, true, true); obj.dispatchEvent(event); } } doEvent(holder, 'change'); doEvent(holder, 'input'); doEvent(holder, 'blur'); }; window.addEventListener('message', event => { if ( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormReady') { null == window.breadbutterQueue && (window.breadbutterQueue = []), window.injectBreadButter = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof BreadButter && BreadButter.init ? e() : window.breadbutterQueue.push(e) }; injectBreadButter(function() { BreadButter.getProfile((profile) => { let content = false; if (document.querySelector('.hs-form-iframe')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-form-iframe').contentDocument; } else if (document.querySelector('.hs-custom-form')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-custom-form'); } else if (document.querySelector('.hs-form-private')) { content = document.querySelector('.hs-form-private'); } const prefillContent = function(name, detail) { if (!detail) return; let d = content.querySelector(`input[name=${name}]`); if (d) { d.value = detail; NotifyHubspot(d); } } prefillContent('firstname', profile.first_name); prefillContent('lastname', profile.last_name); prefillContent('email', profile.email_address); }); }); } });
When signed in users go to your form, their name and email address will be automatically entered.
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Add authentication & API event tracking to your website/app with a script tag & configuration