Last updated 12/18/2024
The Zapier App integration allow you to create a Zap using Bread & Butter’s Zapier App directly in Zapier. When the subscribed event is triggered, all of the user’s information is sent, allowing you almost unlimited flexibility with your Zap. A few real world examples are:
To set up a Zapier App Integration, first follow these steps:
Your integration is now set up and ready to go. Whenever a user triggers the event via your website, the Zap will be triggered.
You can view your active Zapier App Integrations from the Zapier App Integration section in your Bread & Butter App.
Zapier App Integrations can only be removed from Zapier. Head to Zapier and find your Zap. Turning off or deleting a Zap will stop the Zap and Integration from running.
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Add authentication & API event tracking to your website/app with a script tag & configuration