Pipedrive Setup

Last updated 07/24/2024

To connect your app and website to your Pipedrive account, you will need your API key and your Organization URL, which you can get by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Pipedrive Account

  2. At the top right, click on your user account icon, then click Personal Preferences.

  3. Select the API tab.

  1. Copy this key in order to use it when creating your Bread & Butter Pipedrive Integration in the next steps.

  2. Your Organization URL is your Pipedrive company URL, eg: https://[yourcompany].pipedrive.com. Log in to Pipedrive, and check your browser’s address bar to find the URL to use for the next steps in Bread & Butter. Make sure that you don’t include a trailing slash.

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