Provisions a new device for the front end. This get associated with the current user using the system and acts to track and link all actions performed by that user.
Unique identifier for an instance of your front end.
Node JS
"device_id": "5fea69cda332541752dd12d6"
GET /apps/{app_id}/client_settings
Unique identifier for your application.
Unique identifier for an instance of your front end.
email_addressstring (optional)
Enables a more custom UI experience based off the context set by the email address.
This request begins user authentication. A token will be returned that is used to call Redirect Authentication unless the user is using password authentication and has not yet confirmed their email.
Unique identifier for your application. Provided by Bread & Butter.
Unique identifier for an instance of your front end.
Indicates whether to use single sign-on, magic link auth, or password auth. Allowable values are `sso`, `magic_link` and `auth`.
Required when auth_type is set to `auth`. Otherwise optionally sets the email address.
page_view_idstring (optional)
Specifies the page that the custom event occurred on. Use the event_id returned from creating the last page view event.
providerobject (optional)
The identity provider that the user is redirected to for authentication when auth_type is sso (either idp or id is required).
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Child Properties
The unique identifier for the provider. Use this for Enterprise.
Allowable values consist of google, microsoft, facebook, linkedin, slack, github, okta, quickbooks, onelogin, twitter, apple, basecamp, dropbox, fitbit, planning_center, twitch. Use this for social.
userobject (optional)
The user details required when auth_type is auth (either idp or id is required).
[-] Show
Child Properties
The password used to authenticate the user.
first_namestring (optional)
Sets the first name of the user. Used during first-time access only.
last_namestring (optional)
Sets the last name of the user. Used during first-time access only.
pinstring (optional)
Optionally allows a user to pass an email confirmation pin directly to skip confirmation. Applicable only during Invitation workflows.
optionsobject (optional)
Optional parameters for the authentication. Typically used to support more advanced authentication workflows.
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Child Properties
client_datastring (optional)
Used to carry state information in your application. This string value (can be JSON) will be passed to the callback at the end of the authentication workflow.
callback_urlstring (optional)
Url that the BreadButter server should redirect back to after authentication. Must be whitelisted in App configuration.
destination_urlstring (optional)
Url that the user should be redirected to after the login has been validated. This is used primarily for mobile workflows.
success_event_codestring (optional)
Custom API Event that will be created when authentication is successful.
force_reauthenticationstring (optional)
Indicates whether to force re-authentication for the user. By default this is set to `off`. Pass `attempt` to ask the Provider to prompt for re-authentication but continue if not possible. Pass `force` to have the login action fail if the Provider does not prompt. Supported providers include Microsoft, Okta, Dropbox, OneLogin, Fitbit, and Twitter. Visit for more information.
GET /apps/{app_id}/authetications/{authentication_token}/redirect
This call returns a 302 Redirect to the chosen provider. When the user finishes entering authentication credentials they are redirected back to the callback url specified in your settings at The callback url will have a token in the query string that is used to retrieve the login results via GetAuthentication.
This call confirms a user’s email with the system.
Unique identifier for your application. Provided by Bread & Butter.
The email address of the user.
Unique identifier for an instance of your front end.
The unique key sent to the user’s inbox.
optionsobject (optional)
Optional parameters for the confirm action. Typically used to support more advanced authentication workflows.
[-] Show
Child Properties
client_datastring (optional)
Used to carry state information in your application. This string value (can be JSON) will be passed to the callback at the end of the authentication workflow.
callback_urlstring (optional)
Url that the BreadButter server should redirect back to after authentication. Must be whitelisted in App configuration.
destination_urlstring (optional)
Url that the user should be redirected to after the login has been validated. This is used primarily for mobile workflows.
force_reauthenticationstring (optional)
Indicates whether to force re-authentication for the user. By default this is set to `off`. Pass `attempt` to ask the Provider to prompt for re-authentication but continue if not possible. Pass `force` to have the login action fail if the Provider does not prompt. Supported providers include Microsoft, Okta, Dropbox, OneLogin, Fitbit, and Twitter. Visit for more information.
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Seeing changes in your match rates? With the end of third-party cookies & new regulations on how data can be shared (GDPR, CCPA or Data Protection Laws), what are you doing to make sure you aren’t caught out?